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Found 690 results for any of the keywords leaded light. Time 0.023 seconds.

Making A Leaded Light | Leaded Windows

Being a traditional craft there are variations on some of the techniques and tools used to make a traditional leaded light, however the process described here is one that has been used for many years and applies to mak - Details - Similar

Leaded Light Repairs | Craft Glass Ltd

Although leaded lights last a considerably long time, depending on the location and exposure to the elements they can deteriorate over time. This will be clearly visible as you may notice they start to bow and distort, s - Details - Similar

New Leaded lights | Craft Glass Ltd

Traditional leaded lights and decorative leaded panels are made up of small pieces of glass held together by H section lead and soldered on the joints. The glass is then sealed using a leaded light cement which goes hard - Details - Similar

Window FAQ | Leaded Windows

A. This is one of the most commonly asked questions, but also one of the most difficult to answer without a detailed picture of the window in question or a site inspection.  For example, if a leaded light panel is bowed - Details - Similar

Stained Glass In Cumbria - //

hand made stained glass in cumbria including copper foiled gifts, suncatchers and christmas decorations. leaded light panels and windows, commissions or instant buy. - Details - Similar

Services | Craft Glass Ltd

Metal window or Crittall window restoration usually involves removing the old rusty metal windows including the glazing from either timber frames or stone surrounds, the lower part of the metal window is where most of th - Details - Similar

Leaded Windows | Tec Glass Ltd

Traditional leaded lights are an important architectural feature and very much part of our English Heritage that we try to help people preserve. Craft Glass have many years of experience both in the manufacture of new di - Details - Similar

Window Glossary | Leaded Windows

Old glass is a major contributor to the visual appeal of an older property and windows. With its rippled and irregular surface imperfections (such as seeds or bubbles) it gives the glass a vitality when light is reflecte - Details - Similar

Window Workshop | Leaded Windows

In order to understand how things are made today it is a good idea to be familiar with the terminology that was used historically as much of it is still used today in our Glossary of windows. - Details - Similar

Decorative leaded Panels | Craft Glass Ltd

Decorative leaded panels are a colourful feature often found in doors, over doors and top fan lights in many homes and buildings across the country. The restoration process for decorative leaded panels is the same as lea - Details - Similar

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